"The film is beautifully shot by cinematographer Sofia Oggioni who relays on natural light and candles..."

jfriar Oct 7, 2015 Updated Feb 25, 2018

LA SIRGA (2012)

Joghis Arias, Julio Cesar Roble, David Fernando Guacas, FloralbaAchicanoy, Heraldo Romero

Directed by William Vega

Contemporary Colombian Cinema is the theme of a series ofspecial screenings presented this month by the Austin Film Society. This week the slow burning “La Sirga” bydirector William Vega, making his feature film debut, will be screened ThursdayOctober 8 at The Marchesa Hall and Theatre in Austin.

The film is centered around 19-year old Alicia (JoghisSeudyn Arias), a victim of the Colombian drug wars and the only survivor of aviolent attack by guerillas that decimated her village and killed herparents. She manages to make her way toLa Cocha, a remote lakeside village where her uncle Oscar (Julio Cesar Roble)runs a dilapidated hotel, “La Sirga”, located in the highlands of the Andes.

Time almost seems suspended in this sleepy village where thethreat of war constantly looms over the horizon. It’s here that Alicia seeks refuge with theonly family she has left, an estranged uncle she doesn’t know. Taking a cue from Terrence Malick, the film movesat a slow pace and it becomes more of an observation of life. Alicia asks Oscar if she can stay for awhile and he reluctantly agrees warning his young niece that life can be prettyhard at the rundown hotel.

Alicia begins to pull her weight as she helps the inn’shousekeeper, Flora (Floralba Achicanoy), do the cooking and make repairs to thebuilding. The cast of supportingcharacters includes Mirichis (David Guacas), an errand boy who uses his boat torun supplies. He discovers the war tornAlicia passed out along the shore and delivers her to Oscar at the beginning ofthe film. He visits the hotel severaltimes to check on Alicia’s well-being as he becomes infatuated with the newarrival. Later in the film Oscar’sadult son, Freddy (Heraldo Romero), returns home after a long absence only towarn his father that they should leave before trouble reaches the village.

The cast delivers solid performances especially Arias andfirst-time actor Roble. The film isbeautifully shot by cinematographer Sofia Oggioni Hatty who relays on naturallight and candles to illuminate the films scenes.


"La Sirga also won for Sofia Oggioni's lyrical cinematography.”


"Virtually every shot in La Siriga is a stunner..."