ARRI Today, “Tragic Jungle” (“Selva Tragica”) will celebrate its premiere at the 77th Venice International Film Festival...

arri Today, “Tragic Jungle” (“Selva Tragica”) will celebrate its premiere at the 77th Venice International Film Festival, Horizons section. Directed by Yulene Olaizola, shot by Sofía Oggioni and produced by Malacosa Cine & Varios Lobos, the film was selected by ARRI’s International Support Program and captured in Mexico with ALEXA Mini and Cooke Zoom T3.7 lenses. Camera and lighting equipment was serviced by CTT EXP & Rentals. Here are some BTS images. Stay tuned for a making-of video interview with Yulene Olaizola and Sofía Oggioni about the challenges when filming in the jungle.

“Tragic Jungle” tells the story of a group of Mexican gum workers, who crosses their path with Agnes, a mysterious Belizean woman. Her presence enlivens the fantasies and desires of those men, without knowing that they have woken up an ancient Mayan legend.


ARRI Video Interview with director Yulene Olaizola and cinematographer Sofía Oggioni on “Tragic Jungle”


"...Vibrantly shot by cinematographer Sofia Oggioni, Olaizola’s film becomes an entirely unexpected story..."